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international leadership course
6-8th September 2024
Belmullet, County Mayo

In association with NLPGreece, Judith Delozier and Reverand Dr. Patricia Novick are presenting a highly interactive three-day workshop. Each day will deliver knowledge and skills to bring ourselves as fully as possible into the world in accordance with our highest aspirations, and to help others to do the same.

Judy Delozier and Rev. Patricia Novick are both absolute giants in the fields of personal development and social change. These two fabulous elders have decades of experience behind them and are still generating new ways of applying tools they originally developed. Through their wisdom and expertise, they have developed ways of extending the benefits of their practices so that growth through awareness can be fun rather than hard work. These new approaches encourage some kind of energetic shift to occurr in the mind-body spirit system without us even realising that we have shifted. We just realise that our obstacles are resources.


Their ease of teaching styles and breadth of experience make their courses feel more like a celebration than a schedule of work. These talented women allow us to relax, know we are powerful and really feel what it is like to be valued by our group of peers. And on top of all of this, we come away with tools for life that we can apply to any situation.



This course aims for a revolutionary breakthrough of self-discovery and personal effectiveness. The course will be led by Judith and Patricia as an in-person workshop in Greece, and will be linked virtually to in-person learning pods in different countries throughout the world. Judith and Patricia have specially selected great trainers who will host and facilitate the in-person pods to create an international community of people who can support each other in innovative approaches to developing self-esteem, self-care and self-leadership. One of these pods is available on the Mullet peninsula in County Mayo.


We are looking for six people to take part in a 3 day, in-person training programme in Belmullet. Participants will be supported on the course by the trainers in Greece and by a facilitator here in Mayo. Participants will be able to fully engage in their own healing process over the three days. It is a healing journey.After the training, participants will have the opportunity to continue to support each other by using the tools learnt on the course for continuing personal and professional development. Those tools and techniques can also be passed on to the people who we support through our professional roles and personal relationships, so that we can spread the reach of the work further into the community. The focus over the three days will be:

a journey into self-esteem, self-care and self-leadership

In his book 'The Hero's Journey' Joseph Campbell writes:


“The journey of the hero is about the courage to seek the depths; the image of creative rebirth; the eternal cycle of change within us; the uncanny discovery that the seeker is the mystery which the seeker seeks to know.”


Here is a brief outline of what we will cover over the three days. 


Day One : Self-esteem

The foundation for all authentic accomplishment and satisfaction. The day includes identification and celebration of distinctive personal strengths and the creation of a uniquely powerful anchor for accessing those strengths.


Day Two : Self-care
The foundation of wellness, stamina, and alertness. The day’s topics include breath, rest, relationships, and movement, all presented through enjoyable, engaging activities.


Day Three : Self-leadership 
The foundation for remaining true to what matters most to you. The day includes strategies and practices for mastering the inner game of deep self-awareness, reliable self-regulation, and tenacious self-motivation.


Although NLP Greece are hosting this even virtually, it is not an NLP course. These gifted women are so familiar with the tools of NLP that they can deliver them to us in ways that give us all of the benefits without any of the struggle. This new approach is about being rather than doing. It is based on Generative Change work and a new evolution of NLP that is more focused on bringing resources to present moment being than striving to achieve change. 


Jenny Suddaby has trained with Judy and Patty and will be facilitating the Pod in Belmullet. If you are interested in joining the group, please email Jenny at


Judy and Patty have made some videos to give people more information about the structure and content of the course. For more details, please have a look at these videos They can be found on the NLP Greece site:

growth through community

When you learn new skills, it is helpful to have a safe space to practice using them. Practice allows you to better embed your learning. Practicing your new skills in a community where each member is dedicated to the same core values of self awareness, respectful communication, mutual support and how to really create a win/win culture helps you to apply those skills in the 'real' world.


This course is specifically designed to combine the benefits of an international community developed through online learning with the benefits of having a locally available community and the face to face support that in-person training gives us through the power of human presence. Creating these expanded networks in our inner and outer worlds is part of a greater movement towards the transformation in communication and action that we so desparately need.

more about Judith Delozier

Judith DeLozier has been a trainer, co-developer, and designer of training programs in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming since 1975. A member of Grinder and Bandler’s original group of stu- dents, Judith has made fundamental contributions to the development of numerous NLP models and processes.

A co-author of 'Neuro-Linguistic Programming Vol. I' (1980), with Robert Dilts, John Grinder and Richard Bandler, Judith was involved in the creation of the fundamental NLP technique of Reframing. A student of Milton Erickson, Judith modeled his tracking strategy for creating and utilising trance states and metaphors. This work is described in 'Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H.Erickson, M.D. Vol.II' (1976), which she co-authored with John Grinder and Richard Bandler.

In the book 'Turtles All the Way Down: Prerequisites to Personal Genius' (1987), which she co- authored with John Grinder, Judith explored the inter-relationships between NLP and the threads of culture, community, art, aesthetics and epistemology. The result of this work was the creation of NLP New Coding, which stimulated a movement toward a more systemic and relational approach to NLP, and a resurgence of interest in the work of Gregory Bateson. In addition to the development of Perceptual Positions, which have become one of the fundamental distinctions of NLP, Judith’s contributions to NLP New Coding include Attention Training and the relationship between conscious and unconscious processes.

Judith has been primarily responsible for bringing NLP to the area of transcultural competence, pioneering the application of NLP to the development of cross-cultural skills. Judith’s background in ballet and Congolese dance has lead her to promote the use of dance and movement as a primary tool of NLP. One result of this was the development of the Dancing S.C.O.R.E. technique. Another manifestation is the creation with Robert Dilts of the processes of Somatic Syntax.

Judith holds a master’s degree (MA) in Religious Studies from Goddard Cambridge, and a bachelor’s degree (BA) in Anthropology and Religious Studies from the University of California at Santa Cruz, where she met Grinder and Bandler. She has taught NLP all over the world, including Europe, Asia, Indonesia, Australia, Mexico, Central America, Canada, and the United States, and was president of Grinder, DeLozier, and Associates, and DeLozier and Associates for approximately 14 years. She is presently an associate of NLP University with Robert Dilts.

Judith is a co-developer of a number of projects applying Systemic NLP, ranging from modeling leadership, to health care and cross-cultural competence. She is a co-author, with Robert Dilts and Todd Epstein, of 'The Encyclopedia of Systemic NLP' (1999). Some of her other written works include contributions to 'Leaves Before the Wind' (1989) and 'Map and Territory' (1997), co-authored with Robert Dilts.

more about Rev. Dr. Patricia Novick

As a consultant, trainer, activist, and ordained minister, Rev. Patricia Novick has focused on issues of personal growth, social justice, diversity, health, and the environment for over 30 years. She holds doctoral degrees in Clinical Psychology and Ministry, as well as master’s degrees in Sociology and Divinity. She is loved around the world by those she has inspired to achieve more for their communities and is lovingly known by many as Dr Patty.

She became a Goldin Global Fellow in 2023 - one of more than 125 grassroots leaders from around the world, learning and working together as a community of practice for justice and healing. She was one of three people awarded the prestigious Belfer Fellowship in 2018 for her activities to combat discrimination and advance social justice. She is currently a senior research fellow at DePaul University’s Center for Urban Education, and at the Keller Science Action Center at the Field Museum of Natural History. She has been a research fellow at the universities of Loyola and Harvard.

As Health Programs Director at a large nonprofit organization serving immigrant families, she designed, presented, and administered a three-year (and ongoing) program to teach parents and their children (ages two to eighteen) about leadership, healthy living, environmental stewardship, and self-care strategies. She designed and led that “Art and Healing” project that created a traveling exhibition of healing-related art from the world’s leading faith traditions. Among other things, the exhibition was shown at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Barcelona. She also designed and administered the first degree-granting holistic health program in the United States. The self-care and wellness program she designed has been taught to more than ten thousand people around the world.

Dr. Rev. Novick has led international programs to teach emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, self-sponsorship, nonverbal communication, and other topics. She has been a consultant to organizations and coached individuals in those topic areas. She served the Fetzer Institute as designer of its $10,000,000, worldwide, multi-year ‘Love and Forgiveness Project’, which identified and provided funding to exemplars of love and forgiveness.

Keen to raise the profile of work in social justice, she created the exhibit and extensive related public programming for “Pioneers of Social Justice,” honoring Chicago women who changed social norms. She co-designed and co-led the ten-week program ‘Identity, Intersectionality, and Social Justice’, which has been taught to leaders of nonprofit and philanthropic organizations. She is a founding trainer at the Multicultural Leadership Academy. Their nine-month program builds transformational leadership skills and cross-cultural team-building capabilities among Latinx and African American leaders in Chicago. It is now in its ninth year. She was the first Director of Social Responsibility at McDonald’s Corporation,

Always building nourishing networks in community, she designed and led the Unity Dinners project, through which Latinx and African American community members met together over meals to learn more about each other and arrive at collaborative strategies. That project is depicted in a documentary film that has aired on public television stations. She was the executive director of the 50th anniversary celebration of the Golden Gate Bridge.

investing in your future

Navigating your way from the present moment to the next moment is how the future emerges for you. Staying in a great state, and making great decisions, allows the future to unfold in ways that bring you love, joy and abundance. How you manage your state and how you can make choices in a function of your self-awareness. This work is all about understanding yourself more deeply so that you can be more aware of the resources that are available to you.


Building resilience is a key way to ensure a happy, healthy approach to lifeInvesting in this healing opportunity with these two magnificent trainers and this passionate international community of pod leaders will give you access to resources that will continue to nourish you, even when our three days together are over.


In the Belmullet pod that I am facilitating, to further optimise the potential of what you gain on the course, I will also be offering my pod participants three free self-awareness sessions to create opportunities to further explore and benefit from the resources discovered on the training. 


The total cost for the Bellmullet pod will be 360 euros if paid by 18th AugustFor the Belmullet pod only, the price will include:​


3 days of training

a light lunch each day

3 one-to-one coaching sessions after the training


get in touch 

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